Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Monday, 6 December 2010

Lemonade is less lemony cake

Straight out of the fridge, this cake was too zingy but room temperature is parfait!!!

Brooklyn Blackout cake...

I made this cake, (with a little help from Kitty) for Sam's 19th birthday. The chocolate custard had 500g of caster sugar alone...so you don't even wanna think how many calories are in dat ting. Tasted pretty damn good if you ask me. :-)

Monday, 22 November 2010

Here is the finished CD packaging for 'science fiction'

Here are some images I created as part of a science fiction project. We were each given a word, which we then had to create imagery for. We were then told to design CD packaging on this theme.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

moroccan arab

I drew this on the plane on way back from Spain. I obviously had arabs on the brain. Not bad considering I cannot draw from memory.
Hmmm yeah I should really put some stuff up here haha...